
F12看了下字体名叫cmunorm.woff,略微搜索了一下,这个字体叫Computer Modern Unicode,是大名鼎鼎的Donald. E. Knuth计算机程序设计艺术(The Art of Computer Programming)以及排版系统TeX的作者)创造的字体,最初被用来作为TeX的字体(但是说实话怎么看和TeX的字体怎么不像,这个的衬线更棱角分明也更扁)。可以在维基百科找到它的相关介绍,另外可以在SourceForge下载最新版(虽然但是这最新版也是2009年的了。。。)


嗯,效果非常不错,这个斜体效果真是深·得·我·爱(You can only enjoy it when you are typing English characters, since Chinese characters will use another set of font families, but the italic of this font is just marvelous, I fall in love with it desperately when I saw it for the first time)